7/19/2018 "We Have One Planet"Here at Chikmedia we work with an abundance of clientele who are all incredibly unique in their own way. Each business that we work with has their own vision, their own mission, and their own passion- and that's why we care for them as efficiently as we do! This weeks Chikchat feature is actually bringing one of our own clients into the spotlight. Kim, from Trees Bees and All of These is a small animal holistic veterinarian and practice owner of Atrium Animal Hospital & Wellness Center. She loves seeing the big picture, the overarching vision. Kim is always thrilled at the interconnectedness of all aspects of life from the microcosm to the macrocosm. "We are beings of nature on every level. When we are in balance with Mother Nature internally and externally, individually, communally, globally everything hums along. Physical, mental, environmental, spiritual health is all in sync. Unfortunately way too many humans for far too long now are acting as if we are above or separate from nature and that only leads to di-ease and to poor to disastrous function of all. Thus holistic veterinary medicine.........when the animal guardian lives healthy their animal family does too. Healthy food, organic and in sync with the seasons of nature .... the foundation of good health. Daily exercise in the outdoors..... healthy body and mind and spirit. Omitting use of lawn chemicals, home sprays, pesticides, artificial fragrances, toxic cleaning substances etc. healthy bodies continue. Omission of excessive vaccination and oral and topical chemicals and or chronic pharmaceuticals healthy body and mind. Healthy balanced emotions and attitudes healthy behaviors and body. Respectful interactions with all beings and earth fantastic! We really are heaven on earth if only we would wake up and realize what a gem we have and how to respect, restore, preserve and protect our beautiful, amazing, and phenomenal part in the cosmic web of life!" What really drove you to become involved in the veterinary field? "The love of animals and nature. The desire to preserve and protect all of nature's beings. As early as I can remember and was able to read and understand the difference between a conservationist and a veterinarian, I decided that I should be a veterinarian because that may give me the most options for me to have the greatest positive impact for the benefit of animal's lives." What kind of schooling or training did you have to undergo to get where you are? "I was educated at Oklahoma State University. I fulfilled all of the pre-med/vet requirements in 3 yrs. and applied and was accepted to the Veterinary College in my fourth year of college. I received my Bachelor of Science as I completed my first year of veterinary school. I completed my 4yrs. of Veterinary College to graduate as a DVM in 1986. In all of my pre college years I did everything I knew to prepare to be accepted to veterinary college. I took every science class possible. I entered all science fairs and won national awards for my study of the incidence of Heartworm disease in the Tulsa area (my home town in Okla.) One of my papers was published in the Okla. Veterinary College publication which gave me in roads to the parasitology professors at the college at that time. I started working at my neighborhood veterinary office at the age of 15yrs. and was promoted to surgical tech at the age of 16. In undergrad I was the president of the Pre-Veterinary Club. I had a work study scholarship in which I worked in the Veterinary College's histology lab and physiology lab. I did everything I could related to Veterinary Medicine. Post graduate I pursued acupuncture training thru the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and became certified in 1994. I pursued continuing certification in acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine in 2000at Chi Institute of Veterinary Medicine and that continues to this day. I find Traditional Chinese Medicine absolutely eloquent, it is the big picture, and an intricate and phenomenal manifestation of thousands of years of use of a system that has observed and recorded and utilized the intricacies and interwovmeness of the reflection of nature in our being (our being us as humans and all of our animal brethren from microorganism, to insect, to bird, to mammal). I attend as often as I can annual Holistic Veterinary Conferences in addition to Conventional Medicine. I think integrating the best of all modalities is ideal for prevention and restoration of health. Conventional western medicine is ideal for crisis intervention ie. broken leg, removing a mass, acute disease and injury. Often side effects of conventional medicine is the cause of other diseases ie. side effects of over vaccination, or pharmaceutical side effects.Conventional medicines does not do as well in chronic issues, whereas holistic approaches are often better at preventing and modifying or rectifying chronic issues. So, melding all is our best approach." What do you see as your biggest success story in this business? "Atrium Animal Hospital & Wellness Center has been my biggest success is the short answer, but there are so so many successes wrapped up in that. I have a fabulous staff that I am proud of and so enjoy working with. We have a fabulous clients and their beloved and cherished animal families. It is such a joy to be a part of their animal's health care team. Atrium is such a place of hope and helping everyone is sincere in their desire to help and comfort the animals and their people. It is also such a wonderful foundation for empowering people to embrace the healing available to all of us when we understand how we are a part of the big scene of nature and how that works down from the Macrocosm to the microcosm. Elucidating that for staff and clients and applying that to our animal friends and family ie the foundation of clean nutritious foods, not pumping too many chemicals in and on our bodies and in our environment, keeping a healthy distance from the "fear based medicine" of "kill everything before it kills you" ie. all the "cides" (pesticides, herbicides, bactericides,.....) when in fact that is what is actually killing us all!" What would you say is your biggest challenge? "Biggest challenge is educating and elucidating for others the passion of the power of living in sync and respect of our natural systems, nature. So many have been so indoctrinated by our institutions and media and advertising. Actually most clients very open, often times it is the professionals that are more challenging to bring around. In reference to environmental issues: educating and exciting others of the power of numbers of people to stand up and speak up TOGETHER to have influence. Convincing others that we can change things if we band together in a unified voice and action." Want to learn more as to how you can make our planet a better place? Check out her page on Facebook here! xoxo, Alayna Anderson Editorial Contributor and Marketing Specialist
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